Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Connect U - Group 4

Group 2: Connect U

Members: Jingya Wang, Khiem Le, Yao Du

The purpose of our app Connect U is to build a Facebook add-on app that allows users to use geo-tracking feature to search new people nearby. Using a flat design, we provided a simple and user-friendly dashboard with several key functions that help users to filter and search people and events. It also has friend recommendation (which was validated as a highly desired feature during our initial user research) and chat function, allowing users to communicate within our app.

Once you open our interactive prototype, you will first see a Login with Facebook option. Once you clicked it, you will be led to Kim Hyun Lee – our test user’s profile. Navigating through the arrow menu button, you will see the main dashboard with the following options: search, geo-tracking, chat, and recommendation.  You need to first turn on geo-tracking in order to use the search function. A notification message will show up if you tempted to search without first turning on the geo-tracking. Geo-tracking can be turned on or off by tapping the dragging button. Once you turned on geo-tracking then navigate to search, our app will provide you people and events nearby.  Clicking on the person or event icon will show you more details. You will see both the map view or list view of our geo-tracking search results, you may choose to filter people by school year, major, interest, language, and distance from you. There is no filter for events at this moment due to difficulty in categorizing events of interests, we might consider to add that feature based on some of your user feedback. Chat will automatically take you to a friend list you have previously contacted. Recommendation will provide you with both people and events that our app recommended based on your profile and interests. Both people and events can be navigated using the bottom menu buttons. You can choose to add the recommended people to friends directly or message them first. Our add-as-friend feature allows you to add people directly through Facebook. Our event recommendation feature gives you all information you need to attend a nearby event: location, time, and contact person. You may choose to call the contact person, or go to the event site using our “open in map” service that links you directly to Google map.

Link to Prototype:

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